severe headaches
From age 19 on, Jefferson had a tendency to develop prolonged incapacitating headaches, usually
at 7-8 year intervals, usually correlated with stress or grief, complicated by indecision and
deeply buried rage
- Violent headache for two days after behaving awkwardly in front of a girl he fancied
(March 1764, age 20);
- Six week headache after his mother's death on March 31, 1776;
- Six weeks of headache soon after arriving, unhappy and homesick, as minister to France
in 1785;
- While overburdened as Secretary of State, headaches recurred when he learned
that a friend had become ill, but recovered (April 1790);
- About this time he had
a second set of headaches, lasting from sunrise to sunset each day for 6 weeks.
Bumgarner concludes these were a form of cluster headache
but also believes there was a tension component, as horseback riding offered relief
At age 75 Jefferson wrote: "A periodical headache has afflicted me occasionally, once
perhaps in six to eight years for two to three weeks at a time, which seeems now to have left

smallpox inoculation
Jefferson was inoculated against smallpox
He himself inoculated his own family -- a procedure not to be taken lightly, as the experience
of his contemporary,
John Adams,

arm fracture
In late June 1781, Jefferson (apparently) broke his arm [which one?] after being thrown from
his horse

right wrist fracture
Jefferson broke his wrist in Paris in summer 1785. This seemingly minor event was to cause
him grief the remainder of his life. There are three versions of the incident: (1) He
was trying to jump a fence while touring Paris with a married woman, (2) He was trying
to jump over a kettle, and (3) He fell while walking with an (unidentified) friend
One account described the fracture as compound and poorly treated by the Parisian doctors.
The wrist remained swollen, painful, and useless for weeks
Despite taking the waters at Aix-en-Provence, it remained deformed and bothered him the rest
of his life

Jefferson developed severe dysentery (bloody diarrhea) in 1802. He consulted no doctor, feeling
that horseback riding helped
(This seemed to be Jefferson's cure-all therapy.) Bumgarner wonders if tension played a role
in this illness

back injury
After perfoming extensive manual labor at Monticello (his estate) in late summer 1794, Jefferson
became almost totally disabled by a back condition for two and a half months. The nature of
the problem is not fully known
Repeated bouts of back pain assailed Jefferson after this initial episode, e.g. in 1797

Jefferson's back problems (see above), financial troubles, and personal vicissitudes depressed
him ca. 1793-1797. He believed his physical health was so poor that death was near

jaw infection
A severe jaw infection occurred in January 1808
Bumgarner believes this was most likely due to a decayed and infected tooth, but Jefferson's
1819 statement that he head never lost a tooth to age gives pause

reading glasses
From "middle age on" Jefferson required spectacles to read
In his 70s he wore spectacles at night "but not necessarily in the day unless in reading
small print"

rheumatism and constipation
Jefferson was disabled by "'rheumatism" in summer 1811
Again, the exact nature of the illness is obscure. (I am not clear if it was related to his
back problems mentioned above.)
In 1818 he had his most severe attack of rheumatism ever. It was accompanied by life-threatening
Taking the waters at Warm Springs, VA helped the rheumatism

buttock boils
In the third week of taking the waters at Warm Springs (1818) Jefferson developed boils on
his buttocks. (The 50+ mile ride to the spa plus possibly unsanitary conditions there may have
predisposed to the illness.) As may be imagined, his homeward return ride was a trial. Once
home, for several weeks he conducted his correspondence lying down. He did not ride a horse
for several months. "Jefferson always believed that this experience had greatly injured
his health"

wrist and arm fracture
Jefferson fell from a broken step at home in 1821 (age 75), fracturing his left arm and wrist.
Now both wrists were significantly impaired (see above). He wrote less, even into 1822

In 1819 (age 75) he was "too feeble to walk much but riding without fatigue six to eight
miles per day, and sometimes thirty or forty"
Jefferson's strength declined further in winter 1822, but he remained in generally good
health. (He dreaded the winters at this age.) He could walk "only [to] reach my garden,
and that with sensible fatigue"

hearing loss
In 1819 Jefferson wrote "My hearing is distinct in particular conversation, but confused
when several voices cross each other, which unfits me for the society of the table"
(This experience is a classic manifestation of high-frequency hearing loss.) By 1825, however:
"This [hearing] dullness of mine causes me to lose much of the conversation of the world
and much a stranger to what is passing in it"

prostatic enlargement
There are statements (without a description of symptoms) that Jefferson had prostatic enlargement
in at least the final year of life

At age 75 Jefferson wrote: "I have not yet lost a tooth to age"

Asperger Syndrome?
It has been postulated that Jefferson had Asperger Syndrome, a type of autism compatible with
high achievement
Dr. Zebra has not evaluated this hypothesis, but his first impulse is that distinguishing
disease from eccentricity is very difficult 200 years out.

Slept propped up in a bed that was otherwise too short for him. (Dr. Zebra heard this
on a tour of Monticello around 1990.)

Recent stories about genetic "proof" that Jeffersion
fathered a child by one of his slaves are not proof. The technique used in the
testing cannot determine whether Jefferson or one of his close male relatives
fathered the child(ren). Historical evidence must be added to differentiate
the possibilities.

Jefferson became comatose on July 2, 1826. On the third he awakened and asked,
"Is it the fourth?" He died 50 minutes into the next day, the 50th anniversary of
the Declaration of Independence
a few hours before his onetime rival
John Adams.
Adams' last words, "Thomas Jefferson still survives" were mistaken.