Health and Medical History of President
Martin van BurenHealth and Medical History of President
Martin van Buren
Old Tip he wears a homespun suit,
He has no ruffled shirt -- wirt, wirt;
But Mat he has the golden pate,
And he's a little squirt -- wirt, wirt. 2a:
Thirteen years later (at age 71) van Buren went to Aix-les-Bains, France for gout treatment, attending the same spa that had botched the treatment of Thomas Jefferson's fractured wrist decades earlier. Van Buren apparently had a better experience 1b.
Comment: The details of van Buren's asthma and final illness are unsatisfying. Too much stock should not be placed in the diagnosis of "asthma." It is probably better to say only that Van Buren had a condition that caused episodes of dyspnea. While it may have been true asthma, it may also have been cardiac asthma. Given van Buren's obesity and snoring, the possibility of heart failure owing to sleep apnea should not be dismissed.
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a p.56 b p.57 c pp.57-58 d p.58
Comment: Devotes one chapter to each President, through Clinton. Written for the layperson, well-referenced, with areas of speculation clearly identified, Dr. Zebra depends heavily on this book. Dr. Bumgarner survived the Bataan Death March and has written an unforgettable book casting a physician's eye on that experience. |
a p.450
Comment: Credibility is dubious. Just before a list of Presidents, the article states: "Twenty of the 32 Presidents ... are proved or believed on a thick web of circumstance to have been nocturnal nuisances in the White House." |
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a p.184
Comment: Maps -- in great detail -- the ancestors and descendants of American presidents through Ronald Reagan. They would have had an exhausting time with President Obama's family tree! MORE |