Watching a few semi-candid clips of Bush from October 1992 1 only strengthens an impression of mental lassitude SEE BELOW. Asked by Larry King what disease he (Bush) had just had, Bush replied "Crohn's? No, not Crohn's. Uh, just thyroid." An apathetic- and listless-appearing Bush also seemed to think that Halcion (a sleeping pill he had taken) was a decongestant. Comment: Either Bush was amazingly ignorant of his medical issues, or he was not firing on all cylinders.
Listening to him discuss Halcion with Larry King, it seems that Bush was a fan of the medicine SEE BELOW.
The first clip, from October 7, 1992, started with a discussion about Bush's thyroid condition (Graves disease) and also mentioned the sleep drug Halcion, which Bush had taken until he very publicly discontinued it earlier that year 1a:
Crohn disease is a gastrointestinal disorder.
King: You feeling well by the way? Bush: Huh? King: Are you feeling well? Bush: Pretty good. Lucky. Running still and played tennis yesterday. King: What is that disease you had? Bush: Um, um. Crohn's? No, not Crohn's. Uh, just thyroid. I don't know what... King: [interrupting] What, they treat it, right? Bush: Make you take a drug every single morning. A little blue thing. Synthroid or something and it wasn't heart. It's what, it's what the thyroid does to make your heart fibrillate but it's been very good. King: [interrupting] You know I took Halcion for a long time after my heart surgery. Bush: Are you off it now? I don't know that it's bad, Larry. King: It's the best sleeping pill in the world but not daily. Bush: No oh no. But now it's gotten such a bad rap.
In the second clip, four days before the 1992 election, Bush remarks that he had "a darn cold" and fever 1b. He looked tired, apathetic, and seemed mentally slow. After confessing his cold, King and Bush again discussed Halcion 1c:
Halcion has no decongestant properties.
King: ... there is a new pill coming from Israel better than Halcion. Bush: You mean for sleeping or decongestant? King: [unintelligible] Bush: Great.
a 6:27 into the movie b 48:21 into the movie c 49:15 into the movie
Comment: This movie is largely composed of clips from 1992 television satellite feeds. These feeds are usually not broadcast in their entirety. For example, satellite feeds can include recordings made during commercial breaks or before a show starts. With the proper equipment, anyone can pick up satellite feeds (although they may be encrypted). 57 minutes 26 seconds. Movie accessed at: |
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a p.295
Comment: Devotes one chapter to each President, through Clinton. Written for the layperson, well-referenced, with areas of speculation clearly identified, Dr. Zebra depends heavily on this book. Dr. Bumgarner survived the Bataan Death March and has written an unforgettable book casting a physician's eye on that experience. |