Introduction | Laws | Sources | Problems | Invasive Melanoma | Discussion | A Plan | Bibliography |
Three of the Senator's melanomas did not penetrate deeply into the skin. They were easily treated, and are discussed elsewhere.
One of Senator McCain's melanomas, however, penetrated into the deeper layers of skin. This "invasive" melanoma is discussed on this page. It is discussed outside of the problem list because of its complexity.
The discovery of this melanoma occurred near the end of the Senator's unsuccessful year-long campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1999-2000. Apparently he had noticed something amiss on his temple some time before August, evidenced by his remark: "I let it go too long" (3).
Simultaneously (one presumes), the Capitol physician also spotted a less serious melanoma on McCain's left arm (2). It was easily treated, and will not be further discussed on this page.
The Senator's statement suggests that, because of his campaign, he was "too busy" to attend to his health. This appears to have been a lesson learned. In the midst of his 2008 campaign, in July, he made time to see his dermatologist. It is hoped that, should he become President, he continues to make time for such follow-up.
The Senator underwent biopsies at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, the next day. That night he joined George W. Bush on stage after Gov. Bush accepted the Republican presidential nomination. The day after that, Aug. 4, Mr. McCain was told that the two spots were malignant (1).
When Senator McCain abruptly disappeared from the convention after his speech on Aug. 1, there were questions about his commitment to his one-time Republican primary rival, Gov. Bush (1).
But the Senator returned to the convention on Aug. 3, where he was photographed with a small bandage on his temple (1). On Aug. 10 he joined Gov. Bush on the campaign trail (1).
(A penny is 2 centimeters across. Two pennies, stacked atop each other, are between 2 to 3 millimeters thick.)
If he had succeeded in being nominated for the Presidency in August 2000, would he then have made the decision to have the mass attended to? This seems unlikely, as it would surely have cast uncertainties over his fitness to be President and hurt him in the general election.
Would he have waited until after the election that November to have it attended to? That would have allowed the cancer three extra months to grow, and would have increased considerably his risk of dying from it.
In short, for Senator McCain in 2000, there was no good time to have his temple lesion attended to, so long as he was still in the Presidential race. Both he and his wife must surely have known the gamble they were taking by waiting. It is fine for a man to gamble with his own life, but it is another thing for him to gamble with the security and stability of the nation.
It is possible, of course, that the Senator and his wife were in denial. This would not be surprising, given that the Senator waited six months in 1993 before seeking care for a suspicious skin lesion that had been brought to his attention. The denial hypothesis, however, cannot be supported with any rigor. It would be hepful to know what the temple melanoma looked like before it was excised.
A melanoma 2.2 mm thick is class T3, according to the 1987 classification of the International Union Against Cancer.
Numerous tests, including CT scans, an MRI scan of the brain, and liver tests (including LDH), showed no evidence that the cancer had spread (4).
However, a "minority report" offset the good news that the cancer was localized.
Two pathologists at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) who examined the melanoma specimen suggested that there were two melanomas on Senator McCain's temple, not one. Specifically, the AFIP pathology report said that details about the lesion were "highly suggestive of a metastasis of malignant melanoma and may represent a satellite metastasis" (5).
In other words, the AFIP pathologists thought one melanoma had spread to create another.
The opinion of the AFIP pathologists cannot be lightly dismissed. The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology is probably the best institution in the world when it comes to looking at tissues under the microscope (which is how the assessment of Senator McCain's tumor would have been performed).
In contrast to Senator McCain's other three melanomas, the stage of the invasive melanoma (or melanomas?) has never been disclosed. The New York Times specifically requested clarification of the stage from McCain's campaign and from his physicians, but received no answer (5).
The Mayo Clinic's physicians disclosed that Senator McCain's three non-invasive melanomas were all stage zero -- the most favorable stage ranking there is.
By contrast, the stage ranking of the Senator's invasive melanoma has not been disclosed. It should be.
The possible reasons for its absence seem to be: (1) information has been held back, (2) there was no agreement on what the stage was, or (3) the tumor was never staged. The last of these options is unlikely, as it would be greatly at odds with standard medical practice.
Dr Daniel Vlock, a former melanoma researcher who no longer practices medicine, said news reports indicated McCain's invasive cancer was a "stage 2A" melanoma. But Vlock said that other parts of the record suggest the cancer was in "stage 3B," which has significantly lower five- and 10-year survival rates of 53% and 38%, respectively (7). (A summary of melanoma stages is available.)
Dr. Denis Cortese, Mayo Clinic's president and chief executive, said in a recent interview that experts in all three of the clinic's sites discussed details of Mr. McCain's operation before it was performed. (2)
In a meeting attended by McCain, his wife, Cindy, and an unidentified "physician friend," surgeon Michael L. Hinni described how he was going to remove a large oval piece of tissue from the left side of the senator's face. He told them "it seems feasible to use this incision to remove all of the lymph nodes in his neck that are at risk, as he is going to incur the morbidity [damage] of the incision" anyway. (6)
The operation accomplished several tasks (4):
The "sentinel" lymph node is one of these high-probability places. Lymph nodes are raisin-sized glands throughout the body that act like the filter in a vacuum cleaner: they trap anything unusual that flows through them. For any small region, "X," of the body, one lymph node is usually the primary filter assigned to region X. This is called the "sentinel" node for a cancer in region X, because it is the first place to which the cancer is likely to spread.
For Senator McCain's invasive melanoma, "region X" was his left lower temple.
Unfortunately, there is no rigid correspondence between a region X and the location of the lymph node that filters region X. In other words, the sentinel node for region X could vary from person to person. Thus, to find the sentinel node for region X, doctors must peform a few tests. They can, for example, inject radiation into region X, and use a Geiger-counter camera to find the lymph node to which the radiation first flows.
The Senator's doctors "injected a radioactive dye into the melanoma in a procedure known as a sentinel node biopsy hours before surgery. The doctors waited for the dye to flow in the lymph fluid to the node in the neck to which the cancer is statistically most likely to spread first." (2)
In the operating room, the surgeons "used a gamma counter -- an instrument like a Geiger counter -- to identify the node, and removed it. Pathologists quickly froze the tissue while Mr. McCain was on the operating table, looked at it through a microscope and did not detect cancerous cells." (2)
"But this kind of biopsy is not 100 percent reliable for melanoma, partly because the chemical stains that help pathologists identify breast and other cancers in frozen sections do not work as well on melanomas. Also, the cancer could have spread to a nonsentinel node." (2)
It is unclear how many lymph nodes were removed. One source says 38 (6). Another, citing Dr. Hinni, says "during the reconstructive surgery to close the wound, 33 lymph nodes were removed, a relatively large number, because they were already exposed and Dr. Hinni felt it a `prudent' course" (5).
The surgeon continued: "This explains why the large incision was made -- it was necessary so that a flap of skin and soft tissue consistent with the color and texture of the Senator's facial skin could be elevated and advanced/rotated into the wound" (4). The large opening in McCain's face was filled with a flap of skin that was cut from behind his ear (6).
Ultimately, the left side of the Senator's jaw took on a puffy appearance. His surgeon has stated: "To answer what appears to be numerous questions about the prominence of the Senator's left jaw: this is a result of an absence of soft tissue on the face in front of his ear that makes the masseter (the chewing muscle) over the jaw appear more prominent. To be clear, the swelling is not due to any evidence of cancer" (4) (5)
The operation lasted five and a half hours (2). Reference (9) shows an impressive photograph of the left side of Senator McCain's face not long after the operation. The scar extends downward at least the line of the jaw.
"None of Senator McCain's lymph nodes showed any evidence of metastatic disease" (4). "The final pathology analysis showed no evidence of spread of the melanoma, his staff said at the time. Mr. McCain ... has said he did not need chemotherapy or radiation" (2).
The Senator has been followed closely for a recurrence of the cancer. The exact protocol has not been disclosed, but it is said that he has had "innumerable CAT scans and blood analyses" (6).